Tag: ubinig

Conditions of women workers in Smokeless Tobacco factories in Bangladesh

Conditions of women workers in Smokeless Tobacco factories in Bangladesh

UBINIG Investigation by UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) Smokeless tobacco use in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, 20.6% of adult population (22 million) uses smokeless tobacco. The mostly used smokeless tobacco (SLT) products are Zarda, Gul and Sadapata. Overall among the 37.8 million tobacco users in the country, smokeless tobacco use is higher (20.6%) than smoking 18% [1]. Bangladesh ranks the third (after India & Nepal) highest smokeless tobacco use among 9 southeast and south Asian countries [2]. The Smoking and Tobacco Use (Control) Act. 2005, amended 2013 has included three smokeless tobacco products (Zarda, Gul and Sadapata) in the definition of tobacco products, bringing these under the purview of the law to regulate their use. Survey on Smoke...
Factors Inhibiting Payment of Taxes of Smokeless Tobacco Manufacturers Operating Outside the Tax Net in Bangladesh

Factors Inhibiting Payment of Taxes of Smokeless Tobacco Manufacturers Operating Outside the Tax Net in Bangladesh

UBINIG Final Report  Executive Summary a. This study: Smokeless tobacco (SLT) use in Bangladesh is high, yet it is generally held that SLT manufacturing often occurs outside the tax net. This study examines SLT production, pricing and turnover for a sample of 88 SLT manufacturers operating outside the tax net and identifies factors perceived to contribute to non-payment of taxes by SLT manufacturers. b. Study methodology: The study incorporated a desk review of research literature on SLT manufacturing in Bangladesh and both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods; specifically, the NBR data on SLT manufacturers and their tax payment history, a survey of 88 SLT manufacturers operating outside the tax net, 15 key informant interviews (KIIs) and a ...
Nayakrishi Beez Shongho: Training on Challenges of Seed Conservation
Nayakrishi Andolon

Nayakrishi Beez Shongho: Training on Challenges of Seed Conservation

Nayakrishi Andolon || Monday 11 June 2018  Healthy local seed is the key to ensure the natural and bio-productive foundation of the community. Nayakrishi Seed Network organized a training program to operationalize this principle of Nayakrishi Seed Network in Ridoypur Biddaghor, Tangail,  during 13 to 15 May, 2018. The objectives were sharing the experiences of management and operation of the Community Seed Wealth Centers (CSWC) and the Seed Huts(SD) and identify strategic conceptual questions for learning by solving problems and on management issues.  The anticipated outcome was to develop practical strategies to strengthen farmer's seed system. The specific objective was further improving the technical and organizational aspects of collection, maintenance and use of...
Maternal and child health care: Daighors & strategic services
Maternal & Child Health

Maternal and child health care: Daighors & strategic services

UBINIG Context of maternal health Reduction of maternal mortality rate is one of the most important health goals of the government of Bangladesh. The present rate of maternal mortality is 194 per 100,000 live births showing that Bangladesh could not achieve the MDG target of 143 per 100,000 live births by 2015. However, the decline in MMR from 322 in 2001 to 194 in 2010, a 40 percent decline in nine years was significant achievement. Now the new goals are set for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The 17 new SDGs, also known as Global Goals, the target is to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. The SDG are also set to end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to redu...
Organise Against Corporate Crimes

Organise Against Corporate Crimes

UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon || Thursday 04 May 2017 UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon “Our environment is poisoned, our food is poisoned. We must act collectively against the corporate crimes”, speakers at the Press Briefing on Monsanto Tribunal stressed. The briefing was held on 4 May, 2017 at the National Press Club, Dhaka. The Press Briefing was organised by UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon to share the Legal Opinion delivered by Judges of Monsanto Tribunal.  In this Tribunal, a testimony was presented by Farida Akhter of UBINIG on Bt Brinjal, a Monsanto-Mahyco initiative imposed on the farmers through Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). The Press Briefing was chaired by Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury. Delwar Jahan of Prakritik Krishi, Human Rights Activist Adv. Adilu...
World No tobacco Day Award 2016

World No tobacco Day Award 2016

UBINIG || Wednesday 01 June 2016 UBINIG was awarded for its commendable contribution to tobacco control in Bangladesh Awards are offered every year on the World No Tobacco Day for significant contribution to tobacco control activities. UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) has been offered the World No Tobacco Day Award 2016. UBINIG has been working with the farmers in Kushtia and Bandarban for cultivation of food crops shifting out of tobacco since 2006. In addition, UBINIG organized Tamak Birodhi Nari Jot (Anti Tobacco Womens’ Alliance), TABINAJ involving women’s’ organizations in 64 districts and has been working for controlling the use of smokeless tobacco products including jarda, sadapata, gul, etc. since 2011. Mr. Mohammad Nasim, M.P., Honourable Minister, ...
Health & Health Policy

Patients and Health Service Providers & Facilities Protection Act 2016

Shasthya Andolon & UBINIG Discussion Session, Jointly Organized by: Shasthya Andolon & UBINIG; 29th February, 2016; Venue: National Press Club, Dhaka Introduction Due to some incidents of deaths of patients alleged to have occurred due to negligence of attending doctors, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of Bangladesh proposed Patient and Health Service Providers Protection Act 2016. As network health activists, Shasthya Andolon (Health Movement) expressed its deep concern over the proposed act because of its implications for patients’ rights as well as health service providers. Shasthya Andolon (Health Movement) in collaboration with UBINIG, a policy research organization held an OPINION SHARING MEETING on 29th February 2016 at 11:00 am ...
The Dai-Kit distribution programme
Maternal & Child Health

The Dai-Kit distribution programme

UBINIG || Saturday 19 December 2015 || READ BY SUBJECT: Maternal & Child Health UBINIG Introduction In response to the demands of the Dais attending the Dai conference along with women healers and women farmers organized during 7-9 December 2006 the Dai kit-distribution was undertaken by Narigrantha Prabartana with Support from Action Aid Bangladesh from Advancing Women’s Rights theme. This is the Interim Report for the project which includes completion report on kit distribution. UBINIG from its rural centres formed a network of Dais having a membership of over 400 and with them has been raising the question of proper understanding of the role and recognition of Dais. Enhancing their knowledge, skill and performance and helping them to learn and acquiring new skills ...
Relief and Reconstruction work after repeated floods in Chakaria, Cox’sbazar
River & Floods

Relief and Reconstruction work after repeated floods in Chakaria, Cox’sbazar

UBINIG || Friday 18 December 2015 || READ BY SUBJECT: River & Floods UBINIG Supported by PWRDF Since June 2015, there have been three consecutive floods with heavy rainfalls within 3 month period that has disrupted the normal life of people in Chakaria (Cox’sbazar) and Lama and AliKadam of Bandarban. People were marooned and road communications with other districts were disrupted. It was not possible for anyone to go from Dhaka to help them as the road communication was badly damaged. The only support could be by sending money so that they can buy food items and cylinder gas to cook food. According to our Chakaria centre staff, they did not see the face of sun for a full day during three months, because of rain or cloudy weather condition. Low lying areas a...
Impacts of Tobacco Cultivation on Agricultural Production in Bangladesh

Impacts of Tobacco Cultivation on Agricultural Production in Bangladesh

UBINIG || Tuesday 17 November 2015 TOBACCO CULTIVATION IN BANGLADESH Tobacco has been introduced since mid sixties of the last century into the fields where food crops were grown, and more widely after liberation in 1971 by the British American Tobacco Company in Teesta silt in Rangpur area (Sarkar and Haque, 2001) 1. Tobacco production has mainly been pushed by big multinational companies such as British American Tobacco Company through contact growers (Sarkar and Haque, 2001). According to the official Agricultural Statistics (2010)2 three varieties of tobacco ‐‐ Jati, Motihari and Virginia ‐‐ are grown in different districts of Bangladesh. Jati and Motihari are mostly grown in Rangpur and Bandarban, while Virginia is mostly grown in Kushtia, Rangpur, Jessore and Dhaka. Ot...