Tag: tobacco day 2016

World No tobacco Day Award 2016

World No tobacco Day Award 2016

UBINIG || Wednesday 01 June 2016 UBINIG was awarded for its commendable contribution to tobacco control in Bangladesh Awards are offered every year on the World No Tobacco Day for significant contribution to tobacco control activities. UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) has been offered the World No Tobacco Day Award 2016. UBINIG has been working with the farmers in Kushtia and Bandarban for cultivation of food crops shifting out of tobacco since 2006. In addition, UBINIG organized Tamak Birodhi Nari Jot (Anti Tobacco Womens’ Alliance), TABINAJ involving women’s’ organizations in 64 districts and has been working for controlling the use of smokeless tobacco products including jarda, sadapata, gul, etc. since 2011. Mr. Mohammad Nasim, M.P., Honourable Minister, ...