Tag: pepoles health care

Towards Peoples’ Health Care System 2009
Health & Health Policy

Towards Peoples’ Health Care System 2009

Farida Akhter & Farhad Mazhar Seminar on National Health Policy, 2009 Shasthya Andolon (Health Movement) is a group of health activists involving health practitioners, researchers, policy advocacy groups, journalists and, women’s groups, environmental groups and social activists formed in 2000. UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) has been acting as the secretariat of the Network. The two co-Convenors are Dr. Naila Zaman Khan, Professor of Child Development and Neurology, Dhaka Shishu Hospital and Farida Akhter, executive Director of UBINIG. As a network Shashtya Andolon first made a critique of the National Health Policy, 2000 declared by the then Awami League government. The network organizied a National Seminar “Critique of the National health Policy: ...