Tag: nayakrishi andolon

About Nobopran Andolon
Nobopran Andolon

About Nobopran Andolon

Nobopran Andolon  Nobopran Andolon is a cultural approach to interrogate and redefine ‘development’, and ‘progress’ by people’s popular philosophical discourses and ethico-moral world. The practice challenges prevailing cultural divide created by technological hierarchiess such as between literary and oral, digital and non-digital, audio-visual and experiential, etc. These divides pre-determines how we value discourses formed in daily life struggles of the people and dictates interpretation. Nobopran explores ways by which non-literate oral knowledge practice and social memory could be properly valued as against the domination of print and digital technology in order to facilitate people's voices to be audible again in an increasingly technological world. Through poetry, music a...
Nayakrishi Andolon: Farmers movement for biodiversity conservation and food sovereignty
Nayakrishi Andolon

Nayakrishi Andolon: Farmers movement for biodiversity conservation and food sovereignty

Farida Akhter Ecological meaning of ‘small and marginal’ farmers We know that ‘small and marginal farmers’ not only ensure food supply to 150 million people of Bangladesh but contribute to the conservation and regeneration of country’s agro-biodiversity and genetic resources. Small and marginal farms also perform various other ecological and environmental services. Farmers are the repository of social memory, wisdoms and knowledge practices without which agriculture can not contionue. However, the economic notions such as ‘small and marginal farmer’ or ‘subsistence agriclture’, etc., developed concurrently with the ideology of Green Revolution’, may become a hindrance in understanding the complex nature of agriculture and the functions they play in ecology and environment. G...