Tag: Food

Flood: Hat-bazar in Tangail
Food Safety, Food Sovereignty

Flood: Hat-bazar in Tangail

UBINIG  Flood affected 52,000 people in 58 villages, 8 unions of Delduar Upazila in 2017. Flood water entered quickly in the villages from the Dhaleshway river, and its innumerable tributaries. In addition there was heavy rain. The farmers could not anticipate anything about the un-expected heavy rain and the flood. Elashin, Dewli and Lauhati unions are closely covered by the rivers. Flood water entered into other villages and unions. The farmers of Delduar upazila are not only self contained in food grains but also they supply the surplus to Dhaka and other districts around. The crops in the field have been affected by the flood, likewise the poultry birds, farms, fish ponds, homestead areas, livestock farms, varieties of vegetables and the street vendor households have be...
Organise Against Corporate Crimes

Organise Against Corporate Crimes

UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon || Thursday 04 May 2017 UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon “Our environment is poisoned, our food is poisoned. We must act collectively against the corporate crimes”, speakers at the Press Briefing on Monsanto Tribunal stressed. The briefing was held on 4 May, 2017 at the National Press Club, Dhaka. The Press Briefing was organised by UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon to share the Legal Opinion delivered by Judges of Monsanto Tribunal.  In this Tribunal, a testimony was presented by Farida Akhter of UBINIG on Bt Brinjal, a Monsanto-Mahyco initiative imposed on the farmers through Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). The Press Briefing was chaired by Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury. Delwar Jahan of Prakritik Krishi, Human Rights Activist Adv. Adilu...
Daighors and Nayakrishi Seed Huts: An approach to sustainable nutrition and food safety
Maternal & Child Health

Daighors and Nayakrishi Seed Huts: An approach to sustainable nutrition and food safety

UBINIG || Wednesday 20 July 2016 || READ BY SUBJECT: Maternal & Child Health UBINIG Daighors are the centers run by Traditional Birth Attendants (locally known as Dai Mas) to provide advisory and referral services to women and young girls. They ensure care and monitoring of pregnant women, the new borne and children (mostly under 5). These Dais live in the community and interact with women very intimately and take care of them for their health and most importantly through properly advised food to fulfill specific nutritional deficiencies or to ensure nutritious food that are needed at different stages of their lives. The older Dai Mas are respected and are considered to be the custodians of knowledge in relation to women’s reproductive health, adolescent and children’s healt...
How foods affect diabetes?
Health & Health Policy

How foods affect diabetes?

Dr. M. A. Sobhan Diabetes is a disorder caused by insufficient or lack of production of insulin (a hormone) by the pancreas (a gland of the abdomen). Insulin is responsible for absorbing glucose (a simple sugar) into the blood stream, where it is available for body cells to use for growth and energy. When people eat, the pancreas automatically produces the correct amount of insulin to absorb the glucose. In people with diabetes, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin or the body’s cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. Glucose builds up in the blood, over-flows into the urine and passes out of the body, with the result that the body loses its main source of energy. Diabetes in Bangladesh There were 7.1 million cases of diabetes in Bangladesh in 20...
Poor family receiving food support during flood
Stories of Nayakrishi Farmers

Poor family receiving food support during flood

UBINIG  Jahanara Begum Krisnapur village received food support Emergency Support to Flood Affected People. Period: August December 2015; Supported By: Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund Jahanara Begum (52), is a poor widow of village Dakhin Krishnapur. Her husband died four years ago. Her eldest daughter was married recently. During the flood, she was living with one son and four daughters. The only earning member of the family was her son who is a daily wage worker. His income is too small to run the family. They pass their time with great hardship. Under these circumstances, the flood during June-July, 2015 was a serious blow to their life and livelihood as they did not any savings to buy food. “Not a single house in the village was saved from the flood. Ther...
Stories of Nayakrishi Farmers

Water-logging tolerant rice ensures food sovereignty of Shilpi Akter

Nayakrishi Andolon  Shilpi Akter is a marginal farmer. She lives at Dewli village, of Delduar upazila in Tangail district. She has a family of four members including her husband, Mobarak Hosain (45) and two daughters. They own 75 decimals of cultivable land. They live in the lower Jamuna flood plain area. Flood and inundation are their natural companions. Shilpi Akter mentioned their fields are inundated for about six months. The land remains fallow in the rainy season in most of the years. In the rabi (winter) season they grow rabi crops including mustard, pulses, foxtail millet and vegetables. Mobarak Hosain, husband of Shilpi Akter mentioned that even in the rainy season Chamara and Digha varieties of rice would grow luxuriantly. For last 8-10 years, after the introduction of ...
South Asia Right to Food Conference 2015

South Asia Right to Food Conference 2015

Farhad Mazhar  ‘Right to food is Human Right’, With this slogan South Asia Right to Food Conference 2015 took place from 30 May to 1 June. Unless you are aware of the global food politics manipulated by transnational companies like Monsanto, Syngenta, and others, who are desperate in monopolizing the food chain, and determined to pollute our biological environment with transgenic crops, such as Btbrinjal, you will remain confused by the deceptively appealing slogans like ‘right to food’. Indeed people have right to food, but the question is who is going produce the food for the people to realize this ‘right’? Farming communalities? No. No. That is not the idea. Farmer’s are backward and do not understand science and technology. Therefore right to food could only be achieved by a...
Turning Bt. Brinjal failure into a propaganda of success
Btbrinjal & Corporate Politics

Turning Bt. Brinjal failure into a propaganda of success

Farida Akhter Since the beginning of the Bangladesh government clearance for field cultivation of GM food crop Bt. Brinjal, it has been a scandal. The genetically engineered crop failed miserably in the chosen farmers fields of Bangladesh, despite the careful selection and training of the farmers. Promoters of GMO adopted more scandalous options. They refused to review the experiment by the normative standard of strict scientific experiment and the international ethical standard of precautionery principle obligatory for potential hazards from GMOs. Instead the promoters took more aggressive attempts to carry out propaganda based on false claims. The article of Mark Lynas, introduced as a researcher at the Cornell Alliance for Science, published on April 24, 2015 in New York Times i...
School campaign: Food safety workshop was held at Chilmary
Food Safety, Food Sovereignty

School campaign: Food safety workshop was held at Chilmary

Jahangir Alam Jony || Sunday 13 July 2014 || READ BY SUBJECT: Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) Creating school awareness program for safe food organized by UBINIG on behalf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) under the patronization of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The event was organized at Upazila Parishod Auditorium, Chilmari upazila, Kurigram district on 26 June, 2014. The aim of the workshop was to create and increase public awareness on food safety issues at respective stakeholders. The event was represented by 36 participants including Chilmary Upazila administration, Department of upazila education and representatives from 11 government primary school teacher Mr. Ahsan Habib, Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Chilmary inaugurated the school...
Maintenance of genetic resources ensures food sovereignty
Nayakrishi Andolon

Maintenance of genetic resources ensures food sovereignty

Jahangir Alam Jony and M.A. Sobhan The Nayakrishi farmers at Rajendrapur and adjoining villages in Baraigram upazila of Natore district have been maintaining indigenous genetic resources. They have been maintaining the seeds of local varieties of crops in cultivation. The seeds are maintained on farm as well as in the Nayakrishi Seed Hut at community level. The Nayakrishi initiative aims to ensure the livelihood of the rural community through community based biodiversity management by safeguarding genetic resources and environment against the introduction of invasive genotypes, hazardous technologies and the climate change variations. This initiative ensures secured access of farming communities to nutritious food and increasing income through practicing Nayakrishi . ...