Tag: environment

Rio+20:`The Future ‘They’ Want

Rio+20:`The Future ‘They’ Want

Farida Akhter A Critique of the Rio+20 Zero Draft Twenty years after the Earth Summit, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) will take place in Rio from 20-22 June, 2012. For two decades, peoples movement have worked hard for social, economic and environmental justice but yet the global economic system only resulted in a billion people starving from hunger. The gap between the rich and poor is widening with 70% of world’s resources enjoyed by top 20% and those in bottom quintile get only 2%. Climate justice could not be achieved because the rich in the North and the South do not want to change their life style and target to stop loss of biodiversity failed. Twenty years ago, with a view to the implementation of Agenda 21, some hope was raised that the...
Farmers Against Tobacco Cultivation

Farmers Against Tobacco Cultivation

UBINIG Say 'No' To Tobacco Cultivation Kushtia. 30 March. A farmers' meeting in village Boro Gangdia (Union Khalisha Kundi) of Daulatpur upazilla on 30 March, 2010 expressed grave concern over the aggrssive extnsion of tobacco production in the district of Kushtia, threatening serious crisis in food and destruction of environment, ecology, bodiversity and livelihood of local communities.  The meeting was organized by UBINIG with participation of farmers, NGO, journalists, college teachers and local government leaders. The Chief Guest was Afazuddin Ahmed Member of Parliament, special guest was Hares uddin, Upazilla Chairman and chairperson was Farida Akhter, Executive Director of UBINIG. Farmers and rserchers presented facts and figures arguing that unless government take i...
Nayakrishi & Green Deal
Nayakrishi Andolon

Nayakrishi & Green Deal

Farida Akhter A Nayakrishi Perspective on New Green Deal   Introduction Global Green New Deal is on the road to make growth look green. How green it is for the southern countries; is an extremely important question. Policy Brief of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP March 2009)) on Global Green New Deal (GGND) is about the "worst financial and economic crisis'' and raises the question whether the response of financial stimulus of US$3 trillion globally is sustainable. UNEP recommends a green stimulus of 1% of global GDP (approx. 750 billion), which is only one-fourth of the total proposed fiscal stimulus could provide a critical mass of green infrastructure "needed to seed a significant greening of the global economy". However, the focus of the green stimul...