Tag: biodiversity

Stop Nerica and Genetically Engineered Bt Brinjal
GMOs & Genetic Engineerings

Stop Nerica and Genetically Engineered Bt Brinjal

UBINIG UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) and the biodiversity-based farmers’ initiative “Nayakrishi Andolon” expressed concern over promotion of technologies that are direct threat to biodiversity and the food sovereignty of the country. In a discussion meeting titled ‘African NERICA rice and Bt. brinjal are threat to bio-diverse agriculture in Bangladesh’ UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon farmers presented field based information to show how these are going to pose a threat to our biodiversity and farmers.The organizations are particularly concerned about the promotion of African Nerica Rice and Bt.Brinjal in Bangladesh. The discussion meeting was held at the Reporters’ Unity, Dhaka on 17 September 2012. Farida Akhter, Executive Director, UBINIG presented th...
Bt Brinjal and Begoon
Btbrinjal & Corporate Politics

Bt Brinjal and Begoon

Farida Akhter Bangladesh Approving Bt Brinjal !! Risk to Environment, Biodiversity and Health "Begoon" (Brinjal or Eggplant) is a very common and favourite vegetable in Bangladesh. It is even becoming an international vegetable along with okra and cauliflower because of the Indian Restaurants in Europe and North America. But for us in Bangladesh, it is not just a vegetable, it has more link with the social, cultural and economic lives of rural people, particularly women. It is cultivated in the agricultural fields sometimes as a cash crop in the commercial vegetable growing areas, but every rural household has few brinjal plants in the kitchen garden. But unfortunately, now this Brinjal is facing severe and aggressive threat from the Biotech industry with the so-called Bt. B...