Tag: bari

Bt Brinjal: Put a label on it
Btbrinjal & Corporate Politics

Bt Brinjal: Put a label on it

Farida Akhter Consumers have the right to know what they are buying The field cultivation of genetically modified brinjal (also known as Bt Brinjal) was conditional. In October 2013, the National Committee on Biosafety (NCB) imposed seven conditions to be followed in field cultivation. One of these conditions was labeling -- if Bt Brinjal is brought to the market, they must be labelled, ie it should be clearly stated if it is GMO. Since 2014, two rounds of cultivation showed very poor performance, and the brinjals which were brought to the market were not labelled. Consumers did not know what they were buying. This is indeed a violation of the conditions of approval. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) always refused to label them, insisting that it was impossibl...
Bt Brinjal in the open market without labels !
Btbrinjal & Corporate Politics

Bt Brinjal in the open market without labels !

M. A. Sobhan BARI has miserably failed in its attempt to show that Bt brinjal is resistant to fruit and shoot borer (see the series of article in UBINIG). It should have been investigated by independent qualified geneticists, entomologists and agronomists in order to unveil the mode of inheritance and heritability of attributes linked with FSB (Leucinodes orbonalis).The BARI, claiming to be one of the most prestigious institution of Bangladesh, is now lost its vision, blindly following the political directives instead of scientific wisdom. Such mindless act of dealing with transgenic plants like Bt brinjal containing gene from Bacillus thuringiensis may create havoc for Bangladesh Agriculture. Bangladesh is an eye-opener for all, for or against GMOs, where the unholly alliance ...