Tag: agriculture

3. Reinventing Agriculture: Need a paradigm shift to agro-ecological principles
COVID-19: UBINIG Report Series

3. Reinventing Agriculture: Need a paradigm shift to agro-ecological principles

UBINIG Wednesday 20 May 2020 || READ BY SUBJECT: COVID-19: UBINIG Report Series COVID-19 pandemic is revealing the disastrous consequences of the neo-liberal development policy that systematically undermined and dismantled the social and the collective responsibility of the State towards its members. In the neo-liberal development paradigm, market dictates vital national concerns such as health, food, nutrition, livelihood and human behaviour. Systematic downplaying of the vital national concerns and its strategy to dismantle or reconfigure existing socio-economic relations and institutions contributed to among others the collapse of public health . The onset of Covid-19 pandemic made this collapse instantly visible, signalling the precarious and vulnerable conditions of all other...
Seed, Agriculture and Life
Biodiversity, Knowledge and Culture

Seed, Agriculture and Life

Farhad Mazhar and Nayakrishi Andolon Summary of the speech of Farhad Mazhar delivered to Nayakrishi farmers on 12 April, 2019 in Ridoypur Biddaghor, Tangail. Nayakrishi Andolon is now known to the world as a strong farmers’ movement in Bangladesh. Those who work with farmers for preservation of seeds, biodiversity and environment are friends of Nayakrishi. Now people around the world are trying to find ways towards pesticide-fertilizer free agriculture, or ways to rebuild bio-organic foundation of agriculture. The future of agriculture is bound to rely on life-affirming biodiversity-based farming. Everyone understands the simple fact that no one will survive by poisoning our earth and particularly food with pesticides and chemicals. Unfortunately our farmers are falling into ...
Seed is our heart: Rina Begum
Stories of Nayakrishi Farmers

Seed is our heart: Rina Begum

Nayakrishi Andolon  Rina Begum (38), Village: Mamudpur, Union: Atia, Upazila: Delduar, District: Tangail They have two acres of cultivable land. They have been farming on their own land Rina said, I used to attend agricultural and other household activities with my parents so long I was with them before my marriage with Mainuddin Miah. My major involvements there included seed sowing, post harvest processing and storage of seeds. I also enjoyed rice husking with my mother. After marriage I was happy to see the same set of agricultural environment in my husband’s residence. My husband has two acres of cultivable land. He cultivates his own land. I learnt the art of agriculture from my mother.. I am responsible for maintenance of Nayakrishi Seed Hut seeds of different crops ...
Stop Nerica and Genetically Engineered Bt Brinjal
GMOs & Genetic Engineerings

Stop Nerica and Genetically Engineered Bt Brinjal

UBINIG UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) and the biodiversity-based farmers’ initiative “Nayakrishi Andolon” expressed concern over promotion of technologies that are direct threat to biodiversity and the food sovereignty of the country. In a discussion meeting titled ‘African NERICA rice and Bt. brinjal are threat to bio-diverse agriculture in Bangladesh’ UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon farmers presented field based information to show how these are going to pose a threat to our biodiversity and farmers.The organizations are particularly concerned about the promotion of African Nerica Rice and Bt.Brinjal in Bangladesh. The discussion meeting was held at the Reporters’ Unity, Dhaka on 17 September 2012. Farida Akhter, Executive Director, UBINIG presented th...