Climate Change

Local rice varieties are relatively tolerant to cyclone
Climate Change

Local rice varieties are relatively tolerant to cyclone

UBINIG || Sunday 28 August 2016 Zianagar Upazila, Pirojpur Dtitrict (Rice) Rice growing areas at Zianagar upazila can be categorized into high and los lands. Low land areas occupy about 85 percent and high land about 15 percent. Local varieties of rice are grown in most of the land. Fine grain rice is grown in high lands. Remarkable fine grain rice varieties include Dudhkalam, Bethichikon, Banshful and Lakshmibilash. Low lands are grown with coarse grain rice like Kalamoti, Hargozal and Mathamota. The fine grain rice varieties in the high lands were at half mature stage when the SIDR stroke the area. Clay and sand due to submersion under tidal surge have impaired the natural color of rice. The yield of fine rice may be 15 – 20 percent less than normal due to the adverse impact o...
SIDR affected areas after two months: No roof on houses, no work to do
Climate Change

SIDR affected areas after two months: No roof on houses, no work to do

Farida Akhter || Friday 26 August 2016 I feel humbled to write on my visit to the cyclone SIDR area after about two months. I could not go earlier, I feel bad about it. Finally, I visited Pirojpur on 7th January, 2008. The cyclone SIDR hit the coastal areas of Bangladesh on November 15, 2007. Almost two months have passed. In the past months, I have heard many reporting from my colleagues who visited the area by 20th November and also were involved in the immediate relief works. In Dhaka, like everyone else, I was glued to the television to see the electronic media reporting. The journalists were quite sincere in presenting the devastation and sufferings of people to the people in other parts of the country. But, now there is no media reporting on what is happening to the peopl...
Climate Change and Population: the old game of blaming women and the poor
Climate Change

Climate Change and Population: the old game of blaming women and the poor

Farida Akhter The 2009 edition of The State of World Population was released just before the 15th Session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP15) to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 7 - 18 December, 2009. It shows that climate change is more than an issue of energy efficiency or industrial carbon emissions; it is also an issue of population dynamics, poverty and gender equity. In Bangladesh, the UNFPA Representative, Mr. Arthur Erken launched the report at Hotel Sonargaon in the capital city Dhaka. The focus of the UNFPA report of 2009 is women, population and climate change. Making the link between population, climate change and women is a bit tricky in the context of developing countries, because according to our experiences since the Earth Summi...
Climate Change and Population
Climate Change

Climate Change and Population

Farida Akhter Old game of blaming the poor and women!! The 2009 edition of The State of World Population has been released just before the 15th Session of United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP15) to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark during 7 - 18 December, 2009. It shows that climate change is more than an issue of energy efficiency or industrial carbon emissions; it is also an issue of population dynamics, poverty and gender equity. In Bangladesh, the UNFPA Representative, Mr. Arthur Erken launched the report at Hotel Sonargaon in the capital city Dhaka. It may be noted that the focus of UNFPA report of 2009 is women, population and climate change. To link between population, climate change and women is a bit tricky in the context of developing countries, be...