About Us

Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal, Bangladesh
Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal, Bangladesh

Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal, Bangladesh

Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal, Bangladesdh (Bt Begun Birodhi Morcha) is an alliance of various environmental and social groups and individual scientists, intellectuals, journalists, lawyers and women and health activists. It has been protesting against the approval of Bt. Brinjal in Bangladesh which poses threat to human health, biodiversity, environment and mostl importantly farmers' rights. The Coalition calls upon the government to revoke the approval and take appropriate measure to ensure safety of human health, preserve diversity of local variety brinjals and ensure farmers rights.
Community Biodiversity Management (CBM)
Community Biodiversity Management (CBM)

Community Biodiversity Management (CBM)

The Community Biodiversity Management is a Nayakrishi farmers' programme, which is carried out as a part of Community-Based Biodiversity Management South Asia Programme coordinated by Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), Nepal. Nayakrishi farmers are organised to document, conserve and utilize their genetic resources and associated knowledge through the Nayakrishi Seed Network (NSN) to protect farmers’ rights and secure access and control over their genetic resources. Through this initiative Nayakrishi farmers are carrying out Participatory Variety Selection (PVS) for Aus Rice in three agro-ecological zones. Nayakrishi farmers in Shahzadpur are using the community knowledge and skills to protect against river erosion by making Chatka - bamboo bin...
Shasthya Andolon
Shasthya Andolon

Shasthya Andolon

Shashtya Andolon is a network of health activists, researchers, health practitioners, professionals environment and women's organisations. UBINIG is the secretariat of this network since its inception in 2000. Shashtya Andolon has been very effective in mobilising public opinion for a pro-people health policy to be declared and implemented by the government. It also organises campaign on public health issues by organising seminars, holding demonstrations etc.
TABINAJ (Anti-tobacco Alliance of Women)
TABINAJ (Anti-tobacco Alliance of Women)

TABINAJ (Anti-tobacco Alliance of Women)

Tamak Birodhi Nari Jote (TABINAJ) is the first anti-tobacco alliance of women in Bangladesh which has taken up anti-tobacco campaign to save women, men and children from the hazards of tobacco. It is against smoking and use of smokeless tobacco products which are mostly consumed by women. The Alliance is against tobacco cultivation and use of women and child labour in the hazrduous biri industry. Tabinaj is actively lobbying for Law Amendment of the Tobacco Control Law for its effective implementation. Tabinaj member organisation are working in over 43 districts of Bangladesh.
About Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)
Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)

About Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)

Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)  The Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) was formed following a two-day workshop entitled Building a Food Safety Network in Bangladesh in November 2010. The founding member organizations of BFSN include CAB (Consumer Association of Bangladesh), UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), Shisuk, B Safe Foundation and Hunger Free World. . The overall objective of the Workshop was for consumer organizations and like-minded NGOs working on food safety issues and public concerns to explore the potential of forming a Food Safety Advocacy and Awareness Network in Bangladesh. Eighty-three representatives from various Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)/ NGOs and Consumer Organisations in Bangladesh participated in the Workshop. These org...
About Nobopran Andolon
Nobopran Andolon

About Nobopran Andolon

Nobopran Andolon  Nobopran Andolon is a cultural approach to interrogate and redefine ‘development’, and ‘progress’ by people’s popular philosophical discourses and ethico-moral world. The practice challenges prevailing cultural divide created by technological hierarchiess such as between literary and oral, digital and non-digital, audio-visual and experiential, etc. These divides pre-determines how we value discourses formed in daily life struggles of the people and dictates interpretation. Nobopran explores ways by which non-literate oral knowledge practice and social memory could be properly valued as against the domination of print and digital technology in order to facilitate people's voices to be audible again in an increasingly technological world. Through poetry, music a...
About Sramabikash
Sramobikash Kendra

About Sramabikash

Sramabikash kendra  UBINIG carries out the activities with workers, particularly readymade garment workers through Sramabikash Kendra – the Trade Union Education centre. Sramabikash Kendra (SBK) is a trade Union education centre for workers, particularly workers in garment sector, informal sector and agricultural sector. SBK conducts small studies based on information collected from workers on their working conditions, health, social issues and their wages. SBK responds to immediate situations affecting the workers such as incidents like fire and roof collapse in the garment factories, termination of workers, violence against women workers, situation arising out of price rise for essentials. Through the activities of Sramabikash kendra, UBINIG has been able to respond to very c...
About Narigrantha Prabartana
Narigrontho Prabartana

About Narigrantha Prabartana

Narigrontho Prabartana  Narigrantha Prabartana is a Women’s Resource Centre and a place for women; it is also an active space for social activism and policy advocacy. Narigrantha Prabartana is a well-known publisher in Bangladesh of books written by women and on women’s issues. By its very presence as a Women Book Store and intellectual resources for activist women, Narigrantha symbolises resistance against patriarchal discrimination and domination and determination to create discourses facilitating women's struggles at various level of the society. Women from different background can meet, interact and organize events through Narigrantha Prabartana. Narigrantha Prabartana keeps books published by different organisations, individuals and publishers. These are available to pur...

Working areas

UBINIG  I. TANGAIL Tangail is the first area, where UBINIG started working with handloom weavers in 1987 and with farmers to form Nayakrishi Andolon started since 1989. It has the longest history and also largest number of farming families involved. Tangail is basically a flood plain area, and is known for well-developed agriculture and handloom. The unique agro-ecological feature of this area led us to formulate Nayakrishi concept with the direct interaction of farmers. We have been practising biodiversity-based farming in this district and this is reason that Tangail center is playing the pioneer role for Nayakrishi. Tangail is a surplus agricultural area with very developed craft handloom sector. The relation between agriculture and handloom weaving is very much integrated. Th...


UBINIG Biddaghors are the learning places with Nayakrishi as interactive points between UBINIG and the farmers and the people in the community. The Nayakrishi Andolon has spread in many parts of the country, from the south to the north, from east to the west. At present, UBINIG runs and manages the Nayakrishi centers in the districts of Tangail, Cox’s Bazar, Pabna, Kushtia, Chapainababganj, Kurigram and Sirajganj. Each Biddaghor has residential facilities and meeting spaces as well as land space for selective research and experimentation. At the Biddaghor, Nayakrishi farming practices are done by the UBINIG members for their own learning. The Biddaghors also document various experiences gained by the farmers in their practice of ecological agriculture. It also maintains relation...