About Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)

Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) 

The Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) was formed following a two-day workshop entitled Building a Food Safety Network in Bangladesh in November 2010. The founding member organizations of BFSN include CAB (Consumer Association of Bangladesh), UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), Shisuk, B Safe Foundation and Hunger Free World. .

The overall objective of the Workshop was for consumer organizations and like-minded NGOs working on food safety issues and public concerns to explore the potential of forming a Food Safety Advocacy and Awareness Network in Bangladesh. Eighty-three representatives from various Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)/ NGOs and Consumer Organisations in Bangladesh participated in the Workshop. These organizations are working primarily on food safety issues in the areas of consumer education, monitoring and food product testing, advocacy, research and grassroots mobilisation. Through the carefully planned and presented workshop, participants identified the need to unite to move forward with initiatives to improve food safety.

VISION: ‘Every citizen of the world should have the equal right to safe food for healthy living’.

MISSION: ‘To ensure safe food for all people in Bangladesh’.


  1. To build public awareness (consumers, food producers) on key food safety issues.
  2. To undertake an active consumer advocacy program to improve the food safety environment in Bangladesh.
  3. To foster information sharing, networking and collaboration to build the consumer’s voice on food safety matters.
  4. To build the public profile of the Bangladesh Food Safety Network to make it more visible among Government, consumers and other stakeholders.
  5. To build the membership base of the Bangladesh Food Safety Network.

These objectives will enable a strong and vibrant consumer movement to be developed, with a solid membership base for advocacy and awareness building on food safety.

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