Seed is our heart: Rina Begum

Nayakrishi Andolon 

Rina Begum (38), Village: Mamudpur, Union: Atia, Upazila: Delduar, District: Tangail

They have two acres of cultivable land. They have been farming on their own land

Rina said, I used to attend agricultural and other household activities with my parents so long I was with them before my marriage with Mainuddin Miah. My major involvements there included seed sowing, post harvest processing and storage of seeds. I also enjoyed rice husking with my mother.

After marriage I was happy to see the same set of agricultural environment in my husband’s residence. My husband has two acres of cultivable land. He cultivates his own land. I learnt the art of agriculture from my mother.. I am responsible for maintenance of Nayakrishi Seed Hut seeds of different crops in addition to other household activities. 

I have one daughter and one son. My son has got a job after completing his formal education.. My daughter also got job after completed her graduation.

At present there are 79 varieties of rice and 117 varieties of vegetables seeds in our seed hut. In addition there are five varieties of pulses, four varieties of oil seeds, jute, minor cereals and other seeds in our storage. We have varieties of fruit bearing tress including mango, jackfruit, blackberry and guava. There are timber plants including kadam, shimul, neem, arjun, bokul, gab, jika, koroi and tamarind in our homestead and other highland areas. We also have two tin-shed dwelling houses and a tube well.

During this year I distributed paddy and vegetable seeds among 83 farmers from our Nayakrishi Seed Hut.

I am a Nayakrishi farmer and a member of the Specialized Women Seed Committee. I am happy to mention that I was made a member of the Seed Expert Committee of Nayakrishi for my solid background in related activities. I know how to maintain seed of different crops and other plants. I can identify different varieties of rice and other crops by seed color, shape, size and other characters. I also know how to save seeds from disease and pest infestation.

The seeds of different varieties of vegetables need to be treated with ash in order to keep it free from insect infestation. The seed pots/bins should be covered with neem leaf before sealing the lid for storage. The seeds may also be covered with dry sands at top of the pot before sealing.

The seeds need thorough drying before storage. The end point of drying can be ascertained by touch, feel or feeling under teeth.

I know my strength in the family lies with seed. I not only store seed in the pot but also I save the dream of my family members with care. I believe seed is our heart. Without seed kept in our hand we will not survive.

Rina Begum is very happy and proud for involving with the Nayakrishi Andolon. She believes that running the Nayakrishi Seed Hut is the opportunity for her to enriching the community seed system and availability of seeds at community level.

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