Farmers benefitted with seeds


Farmer Nur khatun in her Mix crop field, potato, French bean, Radish,Sweet gourd. Harvested French Bean

Emergency Support to Flood Affected People. Period: August December 2015; Supported By: Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund

Noor Khatun (55) wife of Yakub Ali (63), village Baderddan Kata, is a seed recipient after flood. She owns a family of four members including her husband and two sons. She has a homestead area of 40 decimals 60 decimals of cultivable land of her own in the field. This year she has cultivated an area of 140 decimals including her own 60 decimals and leased in 80 decimals. She has grown winter vegetables.

In addition to her crops in the field, she has also raised varieties of vegetables and fruits in the homestead area including common bean, water gourd, papaya, banana, plum, jackfruit, guava, coconut etc. Noor Khatun has livestock and poultry birds, cow, chicken, duck, etc.

Bahadden Kata village was submerged two times during flood in June-July, 2015. All the roads and residences were inundated 2-3 feet deep water. Most of the belongings including seeds (radish, French bean, string bean, red amaranth, kidney bean, paddy, okra, chili, brinjal) were damaged. The crops in the field were also damaged due to flood time and again. Okra, little cucumber, snake gourd, jute, vegetable, seed bed of aman rice were damaged due to submergence for 9/10 days.

There was no seed in my hand when flood water receded from the homestead and the field. It was not even possible to collect seed from any of my neighbors. I also enquired about seed availability from my close relatives staying way. The seed available in the market is not reliable. Moreover I am not used to raise crops with seed from the market. So I was deeply concerned for seed to grow winter crops.

Fortunately the staff members of UBINIG visited us in the village, enquired about our condition and assured for supplying seeds of writer crops.

Accordingly we collected seeds of French bean okra, radish, red amaranth, string bean and sweet gourd from UBINIG and raised crops in mixed culture.

Soil fertility was enriched due to siltation during flooding and as a result there was good yield of crops. Even there was not so much infestation of pest. I also did not apply any chemical fertilizer and pesticides save and except some compost.

Now there are radish, chili, sweet gourd and string bean in the field. The crop condition is also good. So far I have sold red amaranth, radish, coriander worth of BDT 2000/- after meeting our family need. In addition I have sold tomato, French bean and potato month of BDT 25000/-. I hope to sell more vegetables. I shall also save seeds of these crops, meet my requirement for sowing, share with neighbors and sell the surplus in the market.

Everybody speak about relief at the time of flood and food support is essential for survival. We are farmers and seed is our main source of strength for today and tomorrow. This year we have been much benefitted with the seed support from UBINIG and the Nayakrishi farmers. We are happy to see the lush green growth of the crops. We are farmers. We feel secured if we have seed in our own hand. This I say with confidence because seed is the key to my livelihood.

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