Observation of Global Hand Washing Day, Kushtia

Jahangir Alam Jony 

The global hand washing day was organized by UBINIG on behalf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN, Bangladesh. Discussion meeting, demonstration of hand washing and rally were organized at 10:00 am on 15 October 2014 at Nabapran Akhrabari, Kushtia in connection with the observation of Global hand washing day 2014. About 1000 participants from academic institutions, government offices, NGOs, farmers organizations, cultural institutions, farmers and weavers participated in the event.

Dr.M.A. Sobhan, Research Consultant, UBINIG Chaired the Discussion Meeting. Mr. Naimul Islam, Panel Mayor, Kushtia Municipal Corporation graced the event as the Chief Guest. Dr.M. Selim Hosain Farazi, Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon office, Kushtia; Mr.M. Shamsuzoha, Assistant Upazila Education officer, Kumarkhali Upazila, Kushtia district and Mr. Ashraf Uddin Noju, Vice President, District Cultural Academy, Kushtia wee special guests.

Shima Das Shimu, Director, Mother and New Natal Child Health Project, UBINIG offered the Address of welcome. Among others, Ms Safia Begum, a farmer, Nayakrishi Andolon; Mr. M. Qamruzzaman, Assistant Teacher, Joynabad Government Primary School, Bina Rani Datta, Assistant teacher, Lalon Lokoshikkha government Primary School and Ashrafuz Zaman Siam, student of class four, Joynabad Government Primary School addressed the discussion meeting.

Jahangir Alam Jony, Director, Ecological Agriculture Research Project, UBINIG moderated the events of the Global Hand washing Day 2014.

Shima Das Shimu highlighted the importance of hand washing in relation to health and hygiene. Every year, 15 October is observed as the Global Hand washing Day. The Day is observed with the objective of creating public awareness for resisting disease infection through Hand washing. This Day has been observed in different counties across the globe since 2008. About 120 million children in 70 countries participate in the event of the Global hand washing Day. Being an organizer I would like to thanks to all of you for enriching the event through your kind contribution.

Safia Begum, farmer, Nayakrishi Andolon said, form production to food table we have to think about safe food. For our safety we have to consume safe and nutritious food. During cooking we have to wash the food items properly for making it clean and safe and before consuming the food our hands should be made clean through washing properly.

Dr. Md. Salim Hossain Farazi said, it is very important to wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, especially before handling food and after using toilet. Hand washing is a very good habit. Deadly diseases like Diarrhea, Influenza, Pneumonia and such other diseases can be prevented by proper practice of hand washing.

Mr. Naimul Islam, Panel Mayor, Kushtia Municipal Corporation said, the theme of this year’s Global Hand washing Day is Clean hands, save life” The main target of this slogan is Children and School. Children are the future of a nation and strength of the change. The children will carry forward the good habits of Hand washing to their families and the society. I would like to congratulate UBINIG for organizing this event in Kushtia which is very much educative for all of us.

Dr. M. A. Sohban said, generally the children’s are mainly suffering from diarrheal diseases. Every year 3 millions of children has die by Diarrhea, Influenza, and Pneumonia. We can prevent such kind of diseases through only washing the hands by soap.

Demonstration of hand washing was exercised led by Dr.M. Selim Hosain Farazi, Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon office, Kushtia with the participation of six students including three girls and three boys of primary schools. This exercise was very much useful for all of the participants in relation to proper learning the hand washing in a scientific way.

A colorful rally with banners and festoons was organized. The participants in the discussion meeting and demonstrations of the Hand washing also participated in the rally. The participants shouted different slogans signifying the importance of hand washing. The main slogans included:

  1. Clean hand, save life.
  2. Washing hands with soap is the first step of ensuring good health.
  3. We must wash hands before taking food with hands.
  4. We wash hands every time we use toilet.

The rally was started from the gate of Lalon Shah Shrine, moved through different streets, taking turns at Fultola, Bat tola, Academy ground, Lalon Fair and concluded in front of the Akhrabari, Kushtia.

The Global Hand Washing Day celebrated in Kushtia was very much participatory and lively. The participation from diversified professionals enriched the event very successfully.

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