Awareness creation on hand washing for preventing diseases

Jahangir Alam Jony || Saturday 14 November 2015 || READ BY SUBJECT: Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)

Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) and UBINIG organized discussion meeting, demonstration of hand washing and rally in Nabopran Akhrabari, Chewria, Kumarkhali, Kushtia at 10:30 am on 19 October 2015 in connection with the Global Handwashing Day 2015. Dr. M.A. Sobhan, Research Consultant, UBINIG chaired the discussion meeting and rally attend end by about 300 participants.Mr. Naimul Islam, Panel Mayor, Kushtia Municipality was the chief guest. Dr. Anannya Afrin, Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon’s Office, Kustia district; Md.Shamsuzzoha, Upazila Assistant Education Officer, Kumarkhali Upazila, Kushtia and Sajedul Islam Dalim, president, Bangladesh Tariquat Federation, Kumarkhali, Kushtia were special guests. Jahangir Alam jony, Director, UBINIG and member, Bangladesh Food Safety Network moderated the events.

The discussion meeting was initiated with three Lalon songs presented by Fokir Mokabber Hosain and the students of Nabopran Akhrabari.Adhir Chandra Das, Coordinator, UBINIG, Kushtia offered the address of welcome. Md. Shipn Hosain and Mst. Surya Khatun, students of Joynabad Government Primary School and Quamruzzaman, teacher, Joynabad Schoo Aminul Islam Gaian, Nayakrishi farmer and Abdul Jabbar, Researcher, UBINIG also addressed the meeting.

hands washing song lalon
hands washing song lalon

Jahangir Alam Jony, on behaf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network and UBINIG mentioned that hand washing was very important for maintaining good health. The United Nations declared the Global hand washing Day in 2008 in connection with the International Year of Sanitation. The day is observed with a view to creating awareness for hand washing for preventing diseases. The theme of this year’s hand washing is“ Raise a hand for hygiene.” We can prevent deadly diseases like diarrhea, influenza, and other communicable diseases through the habit of regular hand washing. We can express our commitment for ensuring good health for all through the regular habit of hand washing. Many children below the age of five years die by diarrhea and pneumonia. Only through the habit of hand washing many of the casualties can be averted. On top of that the habit of hand washing can contribute significantly for achieving the millennium development goal by reducing child mortality. He also urged upon the relevant member of health, education, local government departments to work in coherence and collaboration for creating healthy public health environment.

Adhir Chandra Das appreciated the Chief Guest, Special Guest, teachers, students, and other participants for their kind presence and vulnerable contribution in the meeting and the rally. He also mentioned that cleanliness was part of religious faith. We can resist many infections through the routine practice of hand washing.

hands washing

Shipon Hosain, a student of Joynabad Government Primary School mentions that we need to wash our hands with soap before and after taking food. The nails in the fingers should be trimmed regularly and maintained in clean condition. Food should not be touched with unlearned hands.

Surya Khatun, a student of Joynabad Government Primary School said that many undesired particles may enter our stomach through unclean hands. We have to form the habit of washing hands properly before and after taking food with a view to ensuring a healthy life.

Aminul Islam Gain a Nayakrishi farmer mentioned that we should keep our hands clean and maintain cleanliness for good health. We also need to be sure about food safety. We also need to be sure about food safety. We can not ensure good health only by washing hands if the food is not safe. If the food is contaminated no hand washing can make it safe. I am a farmer coming from tobacco growing area in Kushtia but I am an activist against tobacco. Generally it is observed that the tobacco farmers take food in uncleaned hand after applying pesticides in tobacco fields. Consequently they are affected by many diseases. We should maintain cleanliness in our hand and on the other we should produce safe food free from contamination of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Food processing, packaging and distribution should also be done in poison free clean environment.

Mohammad Quamruzzaman, teacher, Joynabad Government Primary School mentioned that we have the habit of hand washing, in general .But sometimes we do not care for the proper methods of hand washing. So we should wash our hands properly by following the correct procedure. The students have a chance to learn the process of hand washing step by step in this meeting. We can avoid many diseases if we are careful about their mode of transmission. We can expect a healthy generation if we can offer proper hygienic practices to the students.

Sajedul Islam Dalim says that today’s children are future citizens of the nation. They have to be groomed in clean environment. They have to learn the habit of taking food in clean environment. We have to grow food crops in environment free from pesticides and other chemicals. In fact the food needs to be safe from the field to the table. We need to take safe food to maintain good health.

Mohammad Shamsuzzoha, Upazila Assistant Education Officer, Kumar Khali, Kushtia mentions that mind is good when health is sound. Cleanliness including clean hand is essential for keeping good health. We need to ensure the safety of the food that we eat. We have to concentrate for producing food free from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. First of all we have to be aware of getting safe food. The global Hand washing Day as organized by UBINIG today will play important role in creating awareness for cleanliness, in general. Educative events for cleanliness need extension in wider dimension.

Dr. Ananya Afrin, Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon’s Office, Kushtia mentions that our prime objective of the Global Hand washing Day is to create awareness and habit for washing hand properly. We have to use quality soap for washing hands. We also have to be sure that our food is safe. The cook must be oriented to ensure food safety. Taking food with unlearned hands may cause diarrhea, dysentery and such other communicable diseases. Cleanliness must be exercised at the time of food preparation and distribution. She practically demonstrated the six steps of hand washing with the help of the participating students.

hands washing

The six steps of hand washing include:

  1. Wet hands with water and hold soap
  2. Rub the hands palm to palm to make foam
  3. Right palm over the other hand with interlaced fingers and vice versa
  4. Palm to palm fingers interlaced
  5. Rotational rubbing bickward and forward with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa
  6. Rinse hands with water, dry the hands thoroughly with towel. Continue the procedure at least 20 seconds

Abdul Jabbar, a rearcher of UBINIG mentions that we are happily participating in the events of Global hand washing Day. We are creating public awareness in favor of hand washing. He appreciates all the participants for attending the events of Global hand washing Day.

Mr Naimul Islam, Panel Mayor, Kushtia Municipality mentions that the events of the Global hand washing Day as organized by UBINIG are very important. Hand washing is a traditional heritage of our livelihood and culture. It is a common practice of offering water and soap for washing hands and face when a new guest visits us. We have to have the habit of washing our hands, regularly three times before and after taking food. The habit of washing hands after using toilet helps preventing infection of diarrheal diseases; UBINIG Nayakrishi Andolon and Nabopran Andolon have been engaged in production of safe food and maintaining our cultural tradition. The events of the global hand washing day have not only created awareness for hand washing but also have created commitment for ensuring good environment for healthy life and livelihood. UBINIG may please take up activities like this in Kumarkhali region in future. I also assure all sorts of support and cooperation from Kushtia Municipality for such activities.

Dr. M.A. Sobhan mentions that the teachers, students, respected guests, special guests and the chief guest participating in the rally and the discussion meeting have contributed significantly for ensuring good health for all of us. The six steps of hand washing have been practically demonstrated with the help of the school students. Hand washing is an important component of cleanliness which initiates sanctity of body and mind. Lalon Songs presented by the students and artists of Nabopran Andolon have illustrated the role of cleanliness for peace and happiness from religious point of view. The aspects of hand washing and cleanliness as highlighted through discussion and demonstration to the students will help them to share the principles to their parents and others in the society. With the expectation for a clean environment and a prosperous future the event of the Global Hand washing Day is thus concluded.

hands washing raly

A colorful rally was organized in participation of all before the discussion meeting. The major themes of the rally included,’ washing hands with soap is the first step of keeping good health; good health and joy prevails when food is taken with clean hands’,’ We must wash hands before taking food,” Hand must be washed as many time food is taken in.” The rally started from 35 Cheuria joyanabad Government Primary School, moved round Fultala mor, Bot-tala, Lalon Academy fair Ground and reached Nabopran Akhrabari and participated in the discussion of the Global Handwashing Day.

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